Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Exporting PuTTY Configuration and Saved Sessions

PuTTY stores its settings in the Windows registry.

To save a backup of your PuTTY settings, you'll need to export the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SimonTatham registry key to a file.   To export saved sessions to a file run the following comands:
  • For Windows XP:
regedit /e c:\putty.reg “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SimonTatham"
  • For Windows 7:
reg export HCKU\Software\SimonTatham c:\putty.reg

After this the putty.reg file has been created in your C:\ drive, copy it to the destination host and double-click it to import.

Further questions comments: Call/SMS on +27 84 786 8029 or Email TSM Assist

Exporting WinSCP Configurations and Saved Sessions

This article describes how to transfer WinSCP configuration stored in Windows registry (default for installed WinSCP).

If you were using an INI file, just transfer it into the new installation.

WinSCP can store its configuration both to Windows registry and INI file. When installed, the configuration is by default stored into the registry.

Portable versions use by default an INI file. The configuration can be changed from registry to INI which can then be used for export from a prior installation and import into a new installation.


Check the ADVANCED OPTIONS box and click on the PREFERENCES button.

The following Window will open; click on the EXPORT button:

Save the session information to an INI file:

Transfer this file to the WinSCP installation directory (usually c:\program files\winscp) on the new installation.

On startup, WinSCP will look for an INI file is located in the directory from which WinSCP was started. If it does not find one, it looks for presence of its key in registry. If it does not find that either, it creates an INI file in the default location.

After copying the INI file you can change the configuration storage to make WinSCP import the settings from an INI file to the registry.

WinSCP should then use the ini file and display all stored sessions properly in its interface.

Further questions comments: Call/SMS on +27 84 786 8029 or Email TSM Assist

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Backing up Local Windows (Win 2003 and below) Profile Hives

A Windows User Profile is the files and directories that contain the user-specific data that define the user’s working environment. This data can include display settings, application settings, printer connections, mouse/keyboard settings and network connections. When a new user logs onto a computer, a profile is created automatically. While a user is logged on, changes made to the desktop environment are saved to their user profile. Local User Profiles are the default profile type in a Windows environment. The user profile files and folders are stored on the local machine’s hard drive.
A user profile consists of:
  • A registry hive that is essentially a database that stores the user-specific settings. This registry hive is stored in the NTUSER.DAT and USRCLASS.DAT files.
  • A set of folders that are stored in a per-user directory. Applications and other operating system components populate this user folder with subfolders and user-specific data, such as start menu items, desktop shortcuts, configuration files, startup applications.
The following script backups up a Windows 2003 (and below) local profile hive to a flat-file in the c:\ntbackups  directory which can then be sent to TSM Server using the standard dsmc command. It is a good idea to leverage the TSM Client options prenschedulecmd or preschedulecmd to run this before the start of a backup.

:: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
set ntbackup_dir=c:\asm\tivoli\tsm\baclient\ntbackups
mkdir %ntbackup_dir%
pushd %ntbackup_dir%
cmd /u /c dir c:\ntuser.dat /s /b /ah > %ntbackup_dir%\tsmback.bks
cmd /u /c dir c:\ntuser.dat /s /b >> %ntbackup_dir%\tsmback.bks
cmd /u /c dir c:\usrclass.dat /s /b >> %ntbackup_dir%\tsmback.bks
cmd /u /c dir c:\usrclass.dat /s /b /ah >> %ntbackup_dir%\tsmback.bks
%systemroot%\system32\ntbackup.exe backup "@%ntbackup_dir%\tsmback.bks" /j "TSM Export: User Profiles" /f "%ntbackup_dir%\ntbackup.bkf"
:: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Further questions comments: Call/SMS on +27 84 786 8029 or Email TSM Assist

Friday, July 27, 2012

LANFree Configuration Script for AIX

This script configures a machine's paths for the LAN-Free storage agent via the command line.
This script assumes that the DEFINE SERVER command has run and that the LAN-Free agent has been successfully defined on the TSM Server.
This works only on all versions of the Storage Agent and has been tested on AIX versions 5 to 6.

  • dsmadmc is located in /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin
  • The TSM administrator account is admin and this account's password is admin12
  • The Storage Agents are define with names of the format sta_HOSTNAME


* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Delete all tape and library devices.
for i in `lsdev -Cc tape | cut -f1 -d' '`; do
        rmdev -dl $i

# Detect tape and library hardware - run ConfigManager
cfgmgr -v

for i in `lsdev -Cc tape | grep rmt | cut -f1 -d' '`; do
        DR_SERIAL=`lscfg -vl $i | grep Serial | tr -s '. \+' ' ' | cut -f4 -d' '`
        DRV=`$DSMADMC -id=$ID -pa=$PASSW -datao=y "select drive_name from drives where drive_serial=$DR_SERIAL"`
        $DSMADMC -id=$ID -pa=$PASSW "def path $STAGENT $DRV srct=serv destt=dr libr=lib3584 devi=/dev/$i"

* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Windows 2003/8 Backup Exclusion List

1. Define a client option set name.

def clo win2k3_clo descr='Client Options Set for MS-Windows 2003'

2. Add options to this clent option set:

def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\documents and settings\*\local settings\history\*'" f=y seq=5
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\documents and settings\*\local settings\history\*.*'" f=y seq=10
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\documents and settings\all users\application data\microsoft\network\downloader\qmgr*.dat'" f=y seq=15
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\microsoft uam volume\...\*'" f=y seq=20
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\microsoft uam volume\...\*.*'" f=y seq=25
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\eventcache\...\*.*'" f=y seq=30
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\system32\wins\winstmp.mdb'" f=y seq=35
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\system32\wbem\Logs\frameWork.log'" f=y seq=40
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\system32\perflib*.dat'" f=y seq=45
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\system32\ntmsdata'" f=y seq=50
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\system32\dns\...\*'" f=y seq=55
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "include '?:\...\system32\dns\backup\...\*'" f=y seq=60
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\system32\dhcp\...\*'" f=y seq=65
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "include '?:\...\system32\dhcp\backup\...\*'" f=y seq=70
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\system32\config\...\*'" f=y seq=75
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\security\database\secedit.sdb'" f=y seq=80
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\security\edb.log'" f=y seq=85
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\security\edbtmp.log'" f=y seq=90
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\security\tmp.edb'" f=y seq=95
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\temp\*'" f=y seq=100
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\tmp\*'" f=y seq=105
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\wutemp\*'" f=y seq=110
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\agentresponsemgr.pqf'" f=y seq=115
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\alertsend.pqf'" f=y seq=120
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\agentqueue.pqf'" f=y seq=125
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\ea data. sf'" f=y seq=130
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\edb.log'" f=y seq=135
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\edbtmp.log'" f=y seq=140
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\evtcons'" f=y seq=145
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\evtsend.pqf'" f=y seq=150
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\eventcons'" f=y seq=155
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\extsubmit.pqf'" f=y seq=160
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\perfsend.pqf'" f=y seq=165
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\ntds.dit'" f=y seq=170
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\ntfrs.jdb'" f=y seq=175
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\tivoli\tsm\...\*.log'" f=y seq=180
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\temp.edb'" f=y seq=185
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\tmp.edb'" f=y seq=190
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\usrclass.dat.log'" f=y seq=195
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\usrclass.dat'" f=y seq=200
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\ntuser.dat.log'" f=y seq=205
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\ntuser.dat'" f=y seq=210
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\*.ldf'" f=y seq=215
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\*.mdf'" f=y seq=220
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\*.pst'" f=y seq=225
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\*.tmp'" f=y seq=230
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\...\catalog.wci\*.000'" f=y seq=235
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\pagefile.sys'" f=y seq=245
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\msdos.sys'" f=y seq=250
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\io.sys'" f=y seq=255
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\ibmbio.com'" f=y seq=260
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\ibmdos.com'" f=y seq=265
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude '?:\boot.ini'" f=y seq=270
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude.dir '?:\...\trend micro'" f=y seq=275
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude.dir '?:\...\temporary internet files'" f=y seq=280
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude.dir '?:\system volume information'" f=y seq=285
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude.dir '?:\recycled'" f=y seq=290
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude.dir '?:\recycler'" f=y seq=295
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude.dir '?:\...\profiles\...\history'" f=y seq=300
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude.dir '?:\...\Profiles\...\application data\microsoft\network\downloader'" f=y seq=305
def clientopt win2k3_clo inclexcl "exclude.dir '?:\documents and settings\...\downloader'" f=y seq=310

3. Update a client machine(s) to use this option set.

upd n NODE_NAME clo=win2k3_clo

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

How to identify/get QLogic WWN on SuSE Enterprise Linux

1.       First identify your installed or recognized

lspci | grep -i fibre

2.       On SuSE Enterprise Linux 10/11, it is on /sys/class/fc_host/hostX/port_name where X is your device.

ls /sys/class/fc_host

3.       To get the WWN, run:

more /sys/class/fc_host/host3/port_name

4.       Sample with multiple QLogic HBAs:

cat /sys/class/fc_host/host[3-4]/port_name

Steps to find the WWN Address of Fibre-Channel Adapter in AIX

To find the world-wide name (WWN) or network address of a fibre-channel (FC) card in IBM AIX:

 List all fibre-channel cards installed on the AIX Server:

# lsdev –Cc adapter | grep fcs

Then get the WWN (for fcs0 in this example):

# lscfg -vp -l fcs0 | grep "Network Address"

List Drive Letters in WINDOWS 2008

Simply run:

wmic logicaldisk get name

Display a list of Started Services from the Command Line (Windows)

To list running services, use the command:

sc query  

To create a list of all services, use:

sc query type= service state= all > allserviceslist.txt
[ take note of the space between  type= and service, and state= and all ]

To create a list of active drivers, use:

sc query type= driver
[ take note of the space between type= and driver ]

For a list of everything, use:

sc query state= all > services-all.txt
[ take note of the space between  state= and all ]

Windows provides the NET utility to interact with the services panel from the command line. From the command prompt, you can use this utility to start, stop, pause and continue services.

To display a list of services that are running on your computer, run:

net start

First of all, gain access to the Command Prompt. Click on Start, on the Search Bar type Command Prompt and hit Enter. You should now be able to see the famous black window.

Execute this command:

wmic process get description,executablepath

To create a textfile (.txt) execute this code:

wmic /output:d:\process.txt process get description,executablepath

Monday, March 5, 2012

Automated/Scripted FTP


Basic FTP commands | http://www.cs.colostate.edu/helpdocs/ftp.html
Introduction to FTP | http://opcenter.cites.uiuc.edu/nas/nash/apps/ftp.html


# AUTHOR - Ajith Singh
# e-MAIL - singh.ajith@gmail.com
# PURPOSE - Script to automate the FTPing of files
# DATE - 05-Mar-2012

FILES="30724044.dbb 30726576.dbb 30728892.dbb 30722524.dbb 30725309.dbb 30727614.dbb 30730219.dbb"

ftp -v -n $FTPHOST << _FTPCMDS        

cd $REMOTE_DIR        
lcd $LOCAL_DIR        
mget $FILES quit

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

LANFree Configuration Script for Windows

This script configures a machine's paths for the LAN-Free storage agent via the command line. This script assumes that the DEFINE SERVER command has run and that the LAN-Free agent has been successfully installed and the storage agent defined on the TSM Server.

This works only on Storage Agent 6.x

"c:\program files (x86)\tivoli\tsm\storageagent" - is the installed location of the LAN-Free storage agent.

tsm_admin - is the TSM administrator account
tsm_password - is the TSM administrator password
tsm_server_name - specifies the name of the TSM Server as listed in the output from the q stat TSM command
tsm_server_ip - specifies the IP address of the TSM Server
storage_agent_name - is the name of the LAN-Free storage agent
TSM StorageAgent1 - is the name of the service managing LAN-Free

From the Windows command line, run the following:

pushd "c:\program files (x86)\tivoli\tsm\storageagent"

tsmdlst /xinquiry /genpathfile /processall

tsmdlst /genmacropathsync /execmacropathsync /addpaths /id=tsm_admin /pass=tsm_password /tcps=tsm_server_ip /server=tsm_server_name /stagent=storage_agent_name

sc failure "TSM StorageAgent1" reset= 60 actions= restart/60000/restart/60000/restart/60000

sc config "TSM StorageAgent1" start= auto

net stop "TSM StorageAgent1"

net start "TSM StorageAgent1"