Friday, July 27, 2012

LANFree Configuration Script for AIX

This script configures a machine's paths for the LAN-Free storage agent via the command line.
This script assumes that the DEFINE SERVER command has run and that the LAN-Free agent has been successfully defined on the TSM Server.
This works only on all versions of the Storage Agent and has been tested on AIX versions 5 to 6.

  • dsmadmc is located in /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin
  • The TSM administrator account is admin and this account's password is admin12
  • The Storage Agents are define with names of the format sta_HOSTNAME


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# Delete all tape and library devices.
for i in `lsdev -Cc tape | cut -f1 -d' '`; do
        rmdev -dl $i

# Detect tape and library hardware - run ConfigManager
cfgmgr -v

for i in `lsdev -Cc tape | grep rmt | cut -f1 -d' '`; do
        DR_SERIAL=`lscfg -vl $i | grep Serial | tr -s '. \+' ' ' | cut -f4 -d' '`
        DRV=`$DSMADMC -id=$ID -pa=$PASSW -datao=y "select drive_name from drives where drive_serial=$DR_SERIAL"`
        $DSMADMC -id=$ID -pa=$PASSW "def path $STAGENT $DRV srct=serv destt=dr libr=lib3584 devi=/dev/$i"

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