Monday, May 11, 2009

SCRATCH volumes become PRIVATE when checked in

After volumes were checked in the library as SCRATCH, TSM changed their status to PRIVATE.

Inspect the activity log for ANR8356E and ANR8778W.

q ac s=ANR8356E
q ac s=ANR8778W

If you have surpassed your activity log retention period, the SELECT statement below will identify these tapes.

select volume_name from libvolumes where status='Private' and last_use is Null and volume_name not in (select volume_name from volumes) and volume_name not in (select volume_name from volhistory where type in ('BACKUPFULL', 'BACKUPINCR', 'DBSNAPSHOT', 'DBDUMP'))

This situation typically happens when volumes were previously labelled in a different TSM server; or when a tape what should have been checked in as SCRATCH is checked in as PRIVATE.

The resolution is to check in the volumes using the following command:

label libv <LIBR_NAME> labels=b search=b checkin=scr overwrite=y waitt=0

For the PDF version of this document, send a blank email, with subject line "SCRATCH volumes become PRIVATE when checked in", to TSM Assist

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