Inspect the activity log for ANR8356E and ANR8778W.
q ac s=ANR8356E
q ac s=ANR8778W
If you have surpassed your activity log retention period, the SELECT statement below will identify these tapes.
select volume_name from libvolumes where status='Private' and last_use is Null and volume_name not in (select volume_name from volumes) and volume_name not in (select volume_name from volhistory where type in ('BACKUPFULL', 'BACKUPINCR', 'DBSNAPSHOT', 'DBDUMP'))
This situation typically happens when volumes were previously labelled in a different TSM server; or when a tape what should have been checked in as SCRATCH is checked in as PRIVATE.
The resolution is to check in the volumes using the following command:
label libv <LIBR_NAME> labels=b search=b checkin=scr overwrite=y waitt=0
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